My Resources for the ARE

This is where I keep the list of all the tools I’m using for the ARE: Books, websites, classes, apps, etc.

My Resources:

  • ARE Facebook Group – a MUST-JOIN group for anyone taking the ARE. Ask questions, read about others experiences, look at other people’s study guides, get motivated to take your tests, find supporters who understand when you fail a test, etc.
  • NCARB – the source of the ARE. They created the test and have a lot of information about it. Consider this the information “from the horse’s mouth”
  • Quizlet – for making all those ARE flashcards
  • Trello – the Trello board on which I categorized all my public study materials. Note: if you would like access to my Trello board, send me an email and I’d be happy to add you.
  • – a great resource for the ARE: Blog, Classes (YAA), Boot Camp (study groups), annual conference, podcast, etc.